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Before Dawn 2016

Ink on layers of Japanese preserving paper
270/250 cm

A drawing installation, a part of The 6th Biennale for Drawing, The Jerusalem Artists’ House 

In Before Dawn, ultra-thin sheets of Japanese paper are piled one atop the other in an asymmetrical configuration to create a kind of multilayered screen which signifies a stratified reality. Routine, familiar contents disintegrate into isolated fragments within an ostensibly random array of paper sheets. Fine blue ink capillaries float and surface from amid the paper layers, from the depths of consciousness, imprinting the paper with images, memories, experiences, and dreams. They re-assume from as some figurative image, and in their evolution they breathe life into the paper itself. The paper's translucence expose the associative thinking at the core of Kliger's act of drawing, the fragmentary construction of the surface, and the accumulation of images that merge into an image archive, enabling one to experience an uncontrolled stream of consciousness through it, an ongoing flow that brings fears, anxieties, desires, and yearnings to the surface of the paper.

*Text from The Catalog- The Return of Paper/

Reflections on Drawing


Installation view



Installation view

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